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For Emotional Support 

If you are struggling with sadness, anxiety, and grief, please reach out to:  

JF&CS Mental Health Connect 
Call: 781-693-5562  
They offer free and confidential advice, referrals to therapists (including Hebrew-speaking), support groups, and other resources for addressing mental health concerns.  

Come Together to Offer Comfort and Support - Young Israel of Sharon, Temple Sinai, Temple Israel, Etz Chaim, and Kol Tikvah will offer an ongoing, supportive group space for people who are struggling with the trauma of the terrorist attacks in Israel.


Click here for a list of names of IDF Soldiers with Close Connection to Young Israel of Sharon - please also use this list to sign up to say Tehillim

Daven for the injured and missing people in Israel.  
Click here for a list of names.

Sefaria - Tehillim

Donation Opportunities

in no particular order


Soroka Hospital - Located in Be’er Sheva, Soroka is the major medical center for the Negev region.

Immediate Relief for Soldiers and/or Victims of Terror: 

FIDF - Friends of the IDF providing a range of support services for the IDF 

Emergency Relief Fund for the IDF and Victims of Terror in Southern Israel - A program organized by Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon in partnership with World Mizrachi 

Support for Lone Soldiers 

Contribute directly to the Maglan unit that we hosted as part of The Peace of Mind program 

Magen David Adom 

Grilling for the IDF - Providing BBQ dinners to the IDF

CJP Israel Emergency Fund  

Ceramic Vests to Chayalim - our own Perry Antelman has been working day and night in Israel to deliver ceramic vests to chayalim

Supplies for Soldiers - Sharon Collection Site at CareOne Sharon or order via Amazon. All supplies will be delivered to the IDF in Israel.

Communities in Need:  


Kibbutz Nir Oz 

Terror Victims:  

One Family - Extensive services for victims of terror  

The Koby Mandell Foundation - Runs therapeutic programs for those who have lost a family member to terrorism. 

An Erev Shabbat Note from Rabbi Cheses on Friday, October 13, 2023:

Dear Friends, 

It has been a grueling week, but we got through it together and we will continue forward with unbending resolve to support our Jewish homeland. 

As needs on the ground in Israel become better defined, we will continue to share additional ways in which we can help our brothers and sisters. In addition to sending out emails, we are going to organize our efforts through a list of Israel Support Resources on our shul website:  Also, we have a community coordinator, Nina Rogoff who will be connecting the dots between all of our remarkable efforts. She can be reached at:

A few updates as we go into Shabbat: 

1) Special Tefillah After Lighting Shabbat Candles Tonight. click here 

2) Adding Avinu Malkenu: Based upon the request of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and Rav Herschel Schecher, we will be starting to say Avinu Malkenu at Mincha today and continuing through Shabbat into next week. (click here to read psak

3) Join for an uplifting Kabbalat Shabbat tonight. See this special plea from a former camper of mine Arky Staiman. We have additional security for tonight. 

4) Davening for soldiers with close connection to Young Israel of Sharon. [click here]  

5) Davening for the wounded: In our lobby, pick up a slip of a few names (among the thousands) of Israelis who have been injured and keep the slip in your siddur

6) The Maglan Unit that we hosted as part of the Peace of Mind program last spring has been in touch with many of the host families and has asked for our Tefillot. Please see the picture below of one of the members of the unit wearing one of the Patriots hats that we gave them.

7) Join us for a communal Seudat Shelisheet tomorrow at 6 PM as we sing together and support one another. 

8) Pics from our Pasta Night+Hafrashat Challah 

9) Boston Globe Article: I was honored to represent our community at several rallies this week HERE

Chazak v'Amatz,


Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785